Plug-and-Play MPO Solutions in Fiber Cabling

As enterprises implement more fiber optic cabling to support bandwidth and storage requirements in the data center and backbone infrastructures, fiber termination methods are under intense scrutiny. Data center managers need to understand the key performance, installation, management, and cost considerations surrounding primary fiber termination methods. Each method has its pros and cons, and the need has never been greater for comprehensive information to help data center managers make the right choice for their environment. In this white paper, you will learn about the pros and cons of the following fiber termination methods:

  • Preterminated Plug-and-Play MPO Solutions
  • Factory-Terminated Pigtails with Splicing
  • Field Termination

The MPO connector is a high-density, multi-fiber connector that typically terminates 12 fibers in one connector approximately the same size as one SC-style fiber connector. MPO plug-and-play cassettes include an MPO interface on one side broken out to 12 individual fiber interfaces on the other side. These cassettes can be deployed in an optical distribution frame for higher-density applications or in fiber panels to connect the main distribution area (MDA) to the equipment distribution area (EDA) in the data center. Plug-and-play trunk cables are round 12-fiber cables that are pre-terminated in the factory with MPO connectors on both ends. These trunk cables are purchased in predetermined lengths and are typically easier to manage than traditional ribbon cables. They can be quickly connected to the MPO plug-and-play cassettes at the cross-connect or interconnect in the MDA, EDA, or other areas of the data center. This method eliminates the need for on-site fiber termination and splicing. Consequently, customers can rapidly complete fiber connections in high-density applications.


Advantages of Plug-and-play MPO Solutions

  • Reduced Labor Cost

Less time is required for plug-and-play installation vs. splicing or field termination. Less expertise and resources are required of installation staff.

  • Enhanced Performance

MPO connectors are factory terminated and tested in a clean environment with comprehensive quality control processes and documented test results that correspond to serial numbers stamped on each assembly.

  • Better Manageability and Density

MPO Cassette offers the highest density for fiber connections, maximizing space savings in the data center. They are easily deployed in a cross-connect scenario for better cabling management.

  • Better Prepared for Beyond 10-Gigabit

40G and 100G speeds on multimode fiber will likely require parallel optics where data is transmitted and received over multiple fibers. MPO connectors are more prepared for this technology because they already encompass multiple fibers.

Disadvantages of Plug-and-play MPO Solutions

  • Increased Material Cost

Plug-and-play MPO solutions are typically more expensive than other options.

  • Higher Return Loss and Insertion Loss

The additional mated pair increases the return loss and insertion loss. Insertion link loss with MPO solutions can account for an additional 0.5dB per cassette, requiring careful planning of the loss budget.

  • Limited Access to Individual Circuits

With 12-fiber MPO trunk cable, individual circuit access to backbone cabling is limited. However, when used in a cross-connect scenario, individual circuits should not need to be accessed once installed.

  • Predetermined Lengths Required

MPO trunk cables are made to order in predetermined lengths, so lengths and lead time must be part of the planning process. In addition, measurements need to be exact, or slack storage will be required.

fiber trunk cable MPO Cassette provides a seamless plug-and-play structured cabling solution especially suitable for high-density data center environments. By integrating with the Plug-and-play rackmount enclosure, it connects the MPO interfaces on the backbone trunk cable to the generic LC interface that will directly link to the equipment.

The cassette is designed with a user-friendly snap-in modular style, pre-installed with factory-terminated and factory-tested 12 or 24-fiber MPO to LC assembly with assured best performance on optical loss. The convenient plug-and-play feature offers a flexible, quick-deployment solution with maximum reliability and durability, which offers a simple and efficient choice in optimizing your network system. manufactures a wide range of MTP/MPO products including MPO/MTP fiber cables, MTP/MPO Harness Cable, MTP/MPO trunk cable, and MTP/MPO cassettes. Multi-fiber ferrule connections are used in high-density backplane and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) applications in data and telecommunications systems. High-density MTP/MPO trunk cables with up to 144 fibers. The MPO fiber cable connector offers up to 12 times the density of standard connectors, providing significant space and cost savings.